LusioMATE is a physical therapy ecosystem app with wearable sensors. The sensors attach to any part of the body and connect via bluetooth to an ever growing number of FUN exergames created to entertain and motivate Players through their tailor made PT programs. The app provides real time feedback and full remote monitoring capability ideal for tele-rehabilitation.
With the LusioMATE app being available for all Apple / Android devices and smart TVs, it's a super versatile physical therapist in your pocket, usable in clinic, at home , anytime, anywhere.
LusioMATE enables players to play games designed to stimulate, engage and create motivation for movement, and to help in the achievement of rehab and all general physical therapy goals.
With access to the LusioMATE ecosystem you can take complete control over your physical therapy. LusioMATE helps children (and adults) with an incredibly varied personal need ro move such as Stroke, Parkinson's, MS, Spinal Injuries, Cerebal Palsy, Chronic Pain, Traumatic Brain Injury and more.
Any aged group, of any physical capability, that requires PT to rehabilitate and / or improve quality of life, with a range of motion from 5 degrees, as prescribed by Physical Therapists.
Why LusioMATE?
- Motivates achievement of movement goals
- Drives therapy program adherence
- Small and portable - can be used anytime, anywhere
- Remote monitoring and prescribing
- The physical therapist in your pocket
Physical Therapist in your pocket!
LusioMATE is specifically designed to drive greater adherence to PT goals both within, but especially outside of, the clinician appointment. As part of a home exercise program, clinicians are able to monitor progress and update Movement Goals remotely via the in App dashboard.
The small size of the proprietary Lusio Sensors enables the motivation of both Gross and Fine Movement Goals, giving LusioMATE a distinct and unique advantage over most other wearable and / or motion sensors on the market.
LusioMATE is easy to use and super flexible, and with the LusioMATE hardware pack small enough to pop in a bag and take anywhere. It truly is a physical therapist in your pocket.
Adherence is Key
LusioMATE’s genesis came about via a Physical Therapist looking outside the box to solve the problem of a young client of theirs not being motivated to do their physical therapy. Its evolution has stayed focussed on the paradigm of driving PT program adherence. On this journey we’ve come to understand how nuanced the reasons are for the generally accepted level of 'at home' adherence to PT to be in the low range of between 15% and 50%.
Our commitment to help improve on this statistic, and thereby patient outcomes, will remain steadfast and at the core of what we do, and we are proud that many of the academically researched barriers to adherence are specifically addressed within the LusioMATE ecosystem.
LusioMATE is Revolutionary. It takes the fear of pain away while at the same time makes physiotherapy 100% FUN, no matter what part of your body you are exercising. LusioMATE has such a positive concentration effect you will find your cognitive thinking changes to the point that you forget about the pain while playing the games." William Haile - User.